Transmission 4.0.6 [Latest] Crack

Transmission 4.0.6 [Latest]


Transmission – Transmission is designed for easy, powerful use. We’ve set the defaults to just work and it only takes a few clicks to configure advanced features like watch directories, bad peer blocklists, and the web interface. When Ubuntu chose Transmission as its default BitTorrent client, one of the most-cited reasons was its easy learning curve.

Built from latest upstream release.
Includes some unreleased (yet) enhancements and bug fixes.
Includes build of D-Bus daemon, used for file and magnet association.
Installer made with BitRock InstallBuilder.
Built using gcc; Qt; libevent; curl; c-ares; OpenSSL; miniupnp
Built using MXE (formerly MinGW cross compiling environment.)
Using QtCurve

Download: XDNHV
Transmission 4.0.6.rar – 33.7 MB