Sicyon Calculator 5.8 [Latest] Crack

Sicyon Calculator

Sicyon Calculator – is an all-in-one scientific calculator for every student or professor, researcher or developer – everybody doing physics or chemistry / science or engineering using formulas and tables of constants.

It is easy-to-use and has everything you need to calculate or investigate a function – chart, roots, min/max, integral, derivative, fit data over, etc.

Sicyon calculator combines an intuitive interface and an object oriented approach to provide a fast learning curve while staying at a high level of efficiency.

• calculate the value of a math expression using variables and user-defined functions.
• ‘Program mode’ allows you to execute script code in the main window.
• easy access to user-defined functions (JScript™ or VBScript™ languages) by buttons organized in function boards.
• searchable tables with various physical and chemical constants arranged in data boards (~50 of them).
• editable spreadsheet-like user-data boards.
• “plug-in” additional applications called tool boards, usable as objects in the script.
• organize the boards as tabbed pages in groups with a board browser for easier access and search.
• plot / tabulate a function in Explicit or Parametric mode. Draw many curves / surfaces on the same chart (multi-chart).
• You can combine 2D and 3D graphs, with data from user data boards or the clipboard.
• solve nonlinear system of equations. Sicyon will find all the solutions of nonlinear system of up to 6 equations.
• projects’ collection of curves and surfaces (more than 100 of them).
• find minima and maxima in 2D and 3D with chart.
• find definite integral in 2D and 3D of an expression in a given interval. In 3D – partial derivatives (∂/∂x, ∂/∂y and ∂²/∂x∂y) with chart.
• fit a curve over data set (non-linear regression)
• fit batch of data sets to the same function and gives the fitted coefficient results and batch statistics in a table.
• fit more than 3300 functions over a single data set and present the list of the best fitted functions with their coefficients.
• customizable (template based) HTML reports for all math procedures.
• use a sophisticated unit of measurement converter, same functionality as Sicyon Unit Converter
• use matrices and matrix calculations.
• context help on any level of organization – function buttons/ boards/groups.

What’s New
* not available

Title Release: Sicyon.Calculator.5.8
Developer: Home Page
License: FreeWare
OS: Windows
Download: XDNHV
Sicyon Calculator 5.8 (17 MB)

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