MobaXterm – is your ultimate toolbox for remote computing. In a single Windows application, it provides loads of functions that are tailored for programmers, webmasters, IT administrators and pretty much all users who need to handle their remote jobs in a more simple fashion.
Embedded X server
• Fully configured Xserver based on
Easy DISPLAY exportation
• DISPLAY is exported from remote Unix to local Windows
X11-Forwarding capability
• Your remote display uses SSH for secure transport
Tabbed terminal with SSH
• Based on PuTTY/MinTTY with antialiased fonts and macro support
Many Unix/Linux commands on Windows
• Includes basic Cygwin commands (bash, grep, awk, sed, rsync,…)
Add-ons and plugins
• You can extend MobaXterm capabilities with plugins
Versatile session manager
• All your network tools in one app: Rdp, Vnc, Ssh, Mosh, X11, …
Portable and light application
• MobaXterm has been packaged as a single executable which does not require admin rights and which you can start from an USB stick
Professional application
• MobaXterm Professional has been designed for security and stability for very challenging people
What’s New
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Title Release: MobaXterm.12.0
Developer: Home Page
License: ShareWare
OS: Windows
MobaXterm 12.0 (27 MB)
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