Author: HAX 4 APK

App Cloner v1.5.21 [Premium Mod] APK [Latest]

Create modified clones of some programs. Conveniently, without Ruth. Description: (translation – drony2005; ed. Anais10) * Using the app App Cloner, you can create multiple copies of existing applications. * Cloned applications are installed in parallel and operate independently from their original versions. * They will not receive automatic updates so that you can save

Overlays: Floating Apps Automation v6.3.1 build 164 Final [Pro] APK [Latest]

Overlays allows you to float your home screen widgets ANYWHERE!Floating widgets is easy, so unlike any other floating applications, Overlays is all about automation! Overlays is an advanced multitasking tool that floats your widgets everywhere.Try it, it’ll float your boat!Add and organize your Overlays in Global profiles and use them whenever you want, regardless to

VAG DPF v3.0.0 [Patched] Cracked [Latest]

VAG DPF shows you the most important data related to the DPF particulate filter and its regeneration phases using an ELM327 Bluetooth/WIFI adapter With this app you can know if the filter is actually in regeneration process, if a regeneration is waiting to complete, how many km have you traveled since last regeneration, etc. This

MX Player v1.11.1 [Unlocked AC3/DTS] APK [Latest]

Powerful video player with advanced hardware acceleration and subtitle support. a) HARDWARE ACCELERATION – Hardware acceleration can be applied to more videos with the help of new HW+ decoder. b) MULTI-CORE DECODING – MX Player is the first Android video player which supports multi-core decoding. Test result proved that dual-core device’s performance is up to